PROJECTS : gaza 2024


In the Beginning.... (2024)

In the Beginning... 2024

Acrylic paint and paper on canvas 99.5cm x 86.5cm

The second in a trilogy of same-sized paintings again uses the grid pattern appropriated from floor tiles found in the Hastings Observer building (see Observed).

In the Beginning... is a response to Israel's war on Gaza, using the symbolic olive branch to represent the Palestinian struggle against a backdrop of the blue and white of the Israeli flag, interrupted by printed segments cut from selected pages in the Old Testament, sourced from an oversized 1850s St James's Bible.


From the river to the sea (2024)

From the river to the sea 2024

Digital print 594cm x 841cm

Private collection

I applied the Observer tile grid to a map of the region, to create a background for text I came across in my research. This resulted in two digital pieces.

From the River to the Sea is named after the phrase chanted by pro-Palestinian supporters on marches and gatherings across the western world. Politicians and mainstream media claimed it called for the obliteration of the Israeli state. Various governments banned it from use, and in the UK the chant was defined as "hate speech". 

In fact, a similar phrase is enshrined in the 1977 founding charter of Likud, the Israeli government's controlling party – except it is reversed to "between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty". In other words, Likud refuses to relinquish its military control of the occupied Gaza and West Bank, and will never agree to a two-state solution.

Led by Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud's coalition with ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox parties (who wish to enforce religious prohibitions over democratic liberties) has led to a hard right theocracy. Israeli liberal newspaper Haaretz has also revealed that Netanyahu deliberately encouraged the funding of Hamas with the aim of increasing its advantage over the Palestinian Authority's ability to govern the Palestinian territories.

From the River to the Sea was donated to the Art Raffle for Al Mawasi, held in July 2024 and exhibited at the White Rock Hotel, Hastings. It was organised by Stella Dore Gallery, Hastings Art School, Hastings & District Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Hastings Friends of Al Mawasi. 

The Likud Party
Haaretz tweet

DAY 146

Day 146 lists the statistics coming out of the war at the end of February 2024, compiled from figures reported by Al Jazeera and other sources. Some came from NGOs and charities operating in the area such as Save the Children. others from the Hamas administration.

These were quite often at odds with official Israeli figures, but since Israel refuses access to western journalists to verify, there's no reason to be believe the figures I used were any less accurate than any others. 

Both digital prints were shown in my solo show "Observed"  at Hypha Studios in April 2024.

Day 146 (2024)

Day 146 2024

Digital print 594cm x 841cm

Exhibit at Hypha Studios